(These conversations and characters are entirely fictitional)    
AhGer: Wa, nowsaday I see got many high ses peepur oso go hawker center to eat. They park their big-big car then go eat. I see oredy very supprised. Why they don't go high class lestolan, har?
AhBoy: I tink they everyday eat at lestolan oso feel damn sian ma. Some more, lestorant where got sell meesiam and loti blah-ta those nice nice food?
AhGer: Dat's oso true hor?. Some stall at hawker center the food really very nice. If the hawker is last time work as cook in hotel lagi best. Then his stall sure everyday got long queue one becos his food is will be very sedap.
AhBoy: Ya, hawker have to work very hard. If their food not classic oso is hard to survi... is tarn jiak gan kor. Last time I oso want to be hawker, but I later see my hawker friend every day wake up 3 or 4am, I feel is quite jiaklat... some more, rent so high, so I neh do lor. Somemore my cooking is cannot make it one.
Rebecca: My favourite hawker food are lucksar and cutterfish kangkong.
AhGer: Boneless chicken lice and satay beehoon and loyah is all my favolot.
Joanne: I always order western grill food, especially from that botak man's stall... jin ho jiak.
AhBoy: But after eat finish at hawker center then got to bring all the bowls and plates to the rack... you tink is very laychay or not?
Rebecca: Not laychay lah... becos I always bring along my maid when I go hawker center... then she can do it for us, hehe.
AhGer: You very lucky lor, got maid. We no choice have to lan-lan do. But if eat lestoran is best, becos no need do anything, peepur will serve you like king and queen... even the maid can oso eat like queen.
Rebecca: I love to treat my maid as part of my family. I pity them coz they work hard to support their own families back home. So I always try my best not to treat them badly.
AhGer: Wa, you so nice, dat's very goot.
AhBoy: I hate to return tray one, damn laychay. Why eat finish oredy still got to carry all the cockery and hunt around find where to put... sometimes I walk round and round still cannot find the place to put, I fed up just chuck on the floor. Dat's why nowsaday I only do tar-pow. I bring my own container, buy oredy then go home eat shiok-shiok.
Miss Jones: I luv hawker center food... there's such a huge variety of dishes that one can never finish trying them all out. But what I love best is the hospitality here. I can see free tissue packets being placed at empty tables... which I think is very thoughtul customer service, because I always take it to wipe my sweaty face.
Ah Ger: But Miss ah, the tissue is actually not for customers to use to wipe face one... it is belong to peepur they go order food, so they put tissue on the table to chobe the place first, then later come back with the food and eat.
Miss Jones: Oh is that so? Pardon me, I've actually done that quite a few time already!... Now I feel like a mountain tortoise, my apologies.
Rebecca: My view is that it is best to respect the established culture or customs of any place we go. Custom and culture is hard to change overnight. It requires a lenghthy period of acceptance and adaptation. There's no way anything can be forced. Besides, ingrained habits are often the result of practicality.
AhBoy: Actually I oso think that using umbrella or handbag to chope seat is better than use tissue, becos if use cheap packet of tissue, peepur will tink you not that serious in choping. Use umbrella or handbag then is more serious... peepur won't mind so much.
AhBoy: Good is good, but if like that, I tink sure will end up got many peepur will quarrel or fed up. Then is no good. Just like peepur asking us to return tray. Got one time I see one angmo eat oredy then go to return the tray with all the dirty bowls and plates. Then I can see a few peepur toolan stare-stare at him, like he sabo them like dat. Actually they don't like returning tray after eating at hawker center. They feel very orkward and no dignity, cos no money to go lestoran eat
Diana: But if it's not done, don't you pity the cleaners at all? I really pity them coz their job is really very tough.
Ah Ger: Best thing is eat at coffee shop lah. Got cleaners, no need return tray, like lestoran, I like. But if hawker center cleaners pay is high-high or highest, then I tink many peepur sure don't mind rush to work as cleaner in hawker center.
Ah Boy: Actually peepur here hate to return tray one. Becos carry the tray to return after eating is very lose face one, not atas. Then oso the food not cheep, why still must clean up after eating?
Ah Ger: For me, I no problem one. If got come out any new rules, I sure will happy-happy follow one... hehe.