(These conversations and characters are entirely fictitional)    
Unker Bay: Cycling is good for health and fitness... let's go cycling!
AhGer: But so sian, till now I still dunno how to ride bysika. Last time I want to learn but end up orways fall down, then nowsaday I very scared to try again.
AhBoy: Why you so chui? Actually ride bysika is easy to learn one. But peepur usually use wrong method to learn, dat's why they fall down. Once they fall and fall, they will forever scared of bysika.
AhGer: Wa, I oso dunno got right method one. Can teach me or not?
AhBoy: Of cosh can. If I teach beginner, I will teach them learn balancing first. Before I teach, I will use a sparnar to take out the two bysika pedals so that the bysika got no more pedals. Then I will ask the learner to sit on the bysika and push with the legs to move around the basketball or badminton court. Like this the learner will very fast learn how to balance and sure won't fall down one. If beginners straight away want to pedal like sarki cyclist, then of cosh guarantee will fall and fall lah. Must do step by step. Just like learn swimming like dat. If beginner straight away jump into deep deep pool, sure will gone case one.
AhGer Aiseh, AhBoi you really can, man. I tink your method very practical. Now I must try. Then maybe next week I can go join group cycling. It's very sarki.
AhBoy: Walau you really ambitious hor. But good lah... there must be a start. Actually no need to join group cycling. Can oso cycle alone. Group cycling will need to buy sarki bike. If cycle alone then can just use any bysika from supermarket.
ahGer: But I oso don't understand why many big-size peepur hor, they like to ride on bysika with small-small wheels... I see oredy I oso want to laugh... so comical leh... why cannot use normal bicycle?
AhBoy: But those small-small wheel bysika cost thousands bucks okay... don't play-play. Is very sarki one... got class... you want oso cannot afford ah! Mostly is buy by those loaded car owners, becos they can fold it until small-small and put inside their lambo car.
AhGer: So funny leh, whether cost thousand bucks or hundred bucks is till a bysika what. I prefer hundred bucks type. Because when become rusty can just chuck away then go supermarket buy new one.
AhBoy: Aya, peepur got money want to anyhow spend is their choice mah... if you got money I tink you will oso do the same what, you oso want to have face mah, you say ya not?
AhGer: You say oso quite true. When poor peepur become rich, they will oso want face... face really very important. If use cheap-cheap laoya bysika, surely will kena look down one. Dat's why nowsaday everyone oso want to look atas.
AhBoy: Cycle in group tour on road is very sarki... look damn professional... one day I must try oso.
AhGer: Why I see those group tour everytime want to use whole lane on road ah? Is allowed meh?
Unker Bay: Nothing wrong... not illegal. Two can cycle side by side on a road with many lanes. Actually if two cycle side by side in one lane, it's much safer for all as long as they stick to their own lane. That's why lane discipline is very important. If the whole group cycles in single file, motorists surely will tend to share the lane too... which can be very dangerous, considering the long line of cyclists in such a situation. That's why the rules allow cycling two abreast on multi-lane roads when in a touring group... it's for safety reason. Motorists would then try not to squeeze into the lane.
AhBoy: Uncle Bay, I ask you hor, my flend is high-SES got car type, he very angry, say all bysika must feck off from the road because they never pay any road tax. You agree or not?
Unker Bay: Actually no. Anyone can use the roads. Roads are not only for motor vehicles. It's for all to use. The garmen build and maintain the roads using public money from all tax payers. The road tax is just tax for owning and operating motor vehicles on the road. Moreover, wear and tear of roads is mainly caused by motor vehicles. I think the name should be changed to motor vehicle tax instead of road tax.
AhBoy: Wa, Uncle Bay, you really sarki dah, can make so good suggesion. I oso suppok you vely much.
AhGer: If I ride bysika I will only ride on footpath and PCN. If cycle on road, I scared wait got angry driver purposely langar me then siong... I know all the drivers very toolan to see bysika on the road one.
AhBoy: Ya footpath is the safest way for riding bysika. But make sure you don't ring your bell when got pedestrian in front hor. If not, they sure cannot tahan and make their blood boil one.
AhGer: Actually bysika riders all very poor thing one. Whether cycle on road or cycle on footpath peepur oso hate them like hell. What to do? That's life.
Unker Bay: Don't worry, things are not that bad. With more and more efforts being put into improvements, in future bicycle riding will become more and more commonplace and also become respectable, like what you say, satki.