(These conversations and characters are entirely fictitional)    
Aquaman: Ever since the Covid1-19 pandemic arrived, there has been a marked increase of interest in the fishkeeping hobby.
Ronny: Yes, that's because people have been mostly confined to their homes and have limited opportunity to engage in outdoor activities or travel freely during the peak years of the virus spread.
AhBoy Harnor, stuck at home really sian, dat's why I go buy a big fish tank to keep some nice goldfish.
Ronny: That's very good... fishkeeping is a wonderful hobby.
AhBoy: I oso like. I everytime will make sure I cycle my fish tank before I put fish inside. My fish many years oredy still healthy. Cycling the tank really important.
AhGer Oh, you mean you put the fish tank on the bicycle rack there then go cycle around ah?.
AhBoy: Aiya AhGer, why you so suagoo one? Peepur say cycle the tank is got very cheem science involve one. No need go cycling one, just do at home can already.
AhGer: Ayoh, then at home where got space to cycle around?
AhBoy: Aiya you still don't understand. I say for you more one time... tank cycling is use science to let the tank water become very comfortable for the fish. No need ride bicycle one. If neh do is very dangerous for fishes one, sure one by one will die very soon.
AhGer: Okay okay, now I know. Can teach how to do it then is the correct way?
Ronny: Usually people have no patience to wait till the tank is fully cycled. They are too eager to put their new fish in before it's safe to do so. By doing that, they are subjecting their fish to stressful water conditions. Fish can only survive and thrive in a stress-free environment.
AhGer: But I everytime oso use very clean and fresh tap water then put all the new fish in. Last time my friend buy for me a few beautiful fish... it's the flat-flat type with round body fish, I tink he said is biscuit fish.
AhBoy: Aiya it's called discus lah. Wa, your friend can buy so expensive fish for you, Actually see you so chio if me I oso don't mind buy for you.
Ronny: If I guess correctly, I think those fish died soon, right?
AhGer: Ya, how you know har?... just three days only the three biscuit, I mean discus, all lie flat at the bottom seekeowkeow. But hor, I can see the water still very clean leh... why got so clean water still can die har? Very the sian, the fish so expensive some more.
Aquakid: That's why cycling the tank water is so important. The real purpose of cycling is to raise plenty of bacteria in the tank. Only bacteria can eat away all the poisonous matter present in the water. Even if you can see the water is very clean, but when you put fish in, they will pass urine and poop into the water. If these fish urine and poop are not eaten up quickly by all the bacteria, they will be very poisonous to all the fish. That's why there must be plenty of bacteria present before you put any fish in the new tank.
AhGer: Wo de tian ah... Aquakid you really is a good teacher... when you explain, I straight away can understand about cycling. So far no one ever explain so clearly like you... you are the best, man!
Aquakid: No problem... This aspect of fish-keeping is the most important thing for beginners to know, otherwise alot of hard-earned money would be wasted.
AhBoy: Got one time I in fish shop saw one guy he buy a new tank plus many expensive fishes, I tink cost few thousand dollars. Then the shop man ask him whether know how to cycle the tank, but the guy say he don't believe in all the cycling nonsense. He say he will change the water every day. Then the shop man lan-lan avoid argue with him, if not will make him tulan and then sure lose the good sale.
Ronny: In such things, experience is the best teacher.
AhBoi: Uncle Ronny, is it we must take good care of the tank bacteria? My own unker say he treat the bacteria like army soldiers protecting the water.
Ronny: Well I would certainly agree with your uncle. Bacteria are so important in fishkeeping that many serious hobbyists and also professionals build a separate 'palace' for them, which is known as a sump. Inside the sump, huge armies of bacteria thrive happily and they are able to quickly eat up all the foul poisonous stuff, thus allowing the fish to live in a favourable environment.
AhGer: But why the bacteria cannot just live in the water with the fish?
Ronny: Because bacteria need a surface to attach themselves on. Some bacteria will attach themselves onto the tank glass and bottom, but that is not enough. Normally the huge armies of bacteria attach themselves to the abundant surfaces present in the filter's bio-media.
AhBoy: Many peepur only like to only tok about which fish is sarki and which expensive accessory to buy and all that, but they feck care about bacteria.
Aquakid: That's true. Actually, in fishkeeping, whether one keeps guppies, koi or arowanas, bacteria is the topmost consideration. Without an adequate bacteria reserve, fish cannot survive for long. That's why it is important to wait until enough bacteria are established in the tank before putting any fish in. Otherwise, if there's not enough bacteria, the water will quickly be filled with poisonous chemicals once the fish start to live in the water. Bacteria are the real unsung heros in every well-kept fish tank. Hence I always pay alot of attention to the bacteria in my fish tank.