(These conversations and characters are entirely fictitional)    
Victoria: Good heavens, seeing the frequent occurrence of unhappy marriages and divorces happening these days really boggles my mind!
Liz: I do agree with you too. Back in our time, things weren't so bad.
AhGer: Harnor, I see oredy I oso scared.
AhBoy: Aya, now is what age oredy? If you tok about olden time, of course things different lah. Now is modern, mah.
AhGer: Got different meh?
AhBoy: Becos last time peepur not so havoc as now. Last time only got little bit divorce case, not many, but nowsaday you anyhow throw a stone oso you can hit a divorced person or rocky couple, is very common lah.
Victoria: That's true. In days of old, marriage was a serious and sacred thing. It's where love is genuine, and vows are made with total commitment. These days, vows are made in a frivolous manner without true commitment... it's really shocking!
AhBoy: Tokking about vow, nowsaday peepur vowing is like saying for fun only, is not serious one. Becos nowsaday, peeper see someone is kheryi, they straightaway want to marry oredy. Any vow oso can don't mind make.
Wendy: Harnor.
AhBoy: They don't know the true character of the person... as long as they think is kheryi, they will try all ways and method to promote themself to their target. Then after marry, slowly slowly all the true character and habit will come out. Soon the problems all begin until can't tahan anymore then want divorce lor.
Victoria: That's why love must be present as a top requisite for a good marriage. Marrying for superficial reasons or short-sighted gains will never work. Vows are meant to last a lifetime, so must never be made without true commitment.
AhBoy: Nowsaday, marrying is like buying lottery like dat. Once got ticket, if lucky then can strike, but only very few are lucky. If not lucky, can tear or burn the ticket then try again lor.
AhGer: Ayoh, so scary one. Now I tink of marry I oso scared. But I oso scared second round or third round oso can be same. Actually is still very dicey. Because peepur can change one.
AhBoy: That's why nowsaday got less girls marry. Marry oredy if money no enough, oso very jialat. Like if the man lose his job, sure guarantee no money no honey one, and every day sure quarrel and become great enemy one. Then they sure will go search for other better prospect one.
Wendy: I think marriage problems exist in all marriages. It's all a matter of severity and bearability. Coz even high-SES people with high net worth olso can be experiencing loads of marriage problems or even mutual hostility, though often hidden from others for face or other reason.
AhBoy : My auntie say must have good horoscope then have happy marriage. Actually hor, I also tink that the one who break the vows should kena sue until pants dropping. How can break vow and nothing happen to them? Like dat the one who didn't break vow will sure be the one to rugi until gaolat, that's unfair.
AhGer: I oso donno why is like dat. Dat's why I very scared when tok about marry.
Adrian: There must always be a robust foundation before one embarks on marriage. If marriage is entered into based just on flimsy reasons, chances are 50/50 or even less for a favourable eventual outcome. It is not uncommon to find couples who are at each other's throats too, which is a far cry from how things were during the lovey-dovey honeymoon days. Well, that's life.
AhBoy: Usually the reason for marrying is the man see the girl is very kheryi, then will tackle until want to gian-gian marry. The girl see the man got good job then will oso drool saliva. Then they will fast-fast go apply for housing or option nice nice condo first, other things not so important one. Actually is no different from gambling, hahaha.
Adrian: Compatibility is more important than anything else. Once that is ascertained, things are highly likely to end up fine.
AhBoy: What you mean compatible?. You mean is like the nursery lime in kindergarten say "Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean, so together they both lick the platter clean"?
Adrian: Yup... that's one way to look at it too. Such complementary characteristics do contribute much towards marriage longevity, but there's more to it than that. Other factors like individual temperaments and outlook are just as important parts of the equation. If they match, there's high chance of success, as that could form a sound foundational basis for a synergistic and lasting relationship.
Claire: That's so true.
AhBoy: I oso aglee with Adrian... if choose just becos is kheryi, then later can oso be beauty become into beast, becos can still look chio but the character is really cannot tahan.
AhGer: Harnor, I oso think same. True character can slowly-slowly come out. Dat's why character is very important. But it oso apply to both side.
Victoria: Above all, when love is present, problems can easily dissipate. Blessed are those who have love through thick and thin... life is short.